QUALIA NOUS, VOL. 2 – $1.99 BookBub, and VOL. 1 discounted for a limited time

Qualia Nous, Vol. 2 is currently a BookBub selection. Snag this eBook now through June 21st for only $1.99 in the US, UK, Australia, and Canada.

Qualia Nous, Vol. 2 is an anthology of dark science fiction and fantasy edited by Michael Bailey and featuring artwork throughout by Pat R. Steiner. This second volume of the award-winning Qualia Nous series contains short stories, novelettes, and poetry from established authors and newcomers from around the world. Featuring the imaginations of Chuck Palahniuk, Stephen King, Eugen Bacon, Josh Malerman, Cynthia Pelayo, Lee Murray, Eric LaRocca, Gabino Iglesias, Linda D. Addison, Zoje Stage, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, Gary A. Braunbeck, and more.

Other purchasing options . . .

AmazoneBook | trade paperback | hardcover. Also available in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, Poland, and a part of Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Nobletrade paperback | hardcover

Books-A-Million (BAM!)trade paperback | hardcover

Ingramtrade paperback | hardcover

Overlapping this campaign is a discount on the original Qualia Nous, ending midnight, June 18th:

The first volume of Qualia Nous was the winner of the Benjamin Franklin Award and nominated for the Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in an Anthology. This literary blend of science fiction and horror contains short stories, novelettes, and poetry from established authors and newcomers from around the world. Features Bram Stoker Award winning stories by Usman T. Malik and Rena Mason (both tied for Superior Achievement in Short Fiction), as well as stories by Emily B. Cataneo, Erinn L. Kemper, Patrick Freivald, William F. Nolan, Elizabeth Massie, John R. Little, Gary A. Braunbeck, and many others. Please note that due to contractual obligations/limitations, the eBook does not include Stephen King’s story the “The Jaunt,” which is only available in the print edition.

Other purchasing options:

AmazoneBook | trade paperback. Also available in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, Poland, and a part of Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Nobletrade paperback

Books-A-Million (BAM!)trade paperback

Ingramtrade paperback

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