Posts Tagged ‘ Audio Book ’

PALINDROME HANNAH – $0.99 BookBub / Audiobook

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Palindrome Hannah is currently a BookBub selection. Snag this eBook March 27th through the end of April 3rd for only $0.99 in the US, UK, Australia, and Canada. Also available as an audiobook.

Enter a cruel palindrome world: a symmetric place where disturbing situations displace the common; where good acts transmute to evil ones; where windows and mirrors are interchangeable. Within, characters influence each other through macabre arrangements of involuntary happenstance, and learn the inevitabilities of coincidence. A segmented story of a mother and daughter intertwines the others. This hidden sixth story, assembled from the five separate narratives, uncovers the sad life of a child who carries a palindrome name, and her struggling teenage mother. With five stories heading one direction, and Hannah traveling the opposite, the story unfolds like a palindrome. A puzzle within a puzzle.

The debut novel by Michael Bailey, and a finalist for the Independent Publisher Book Award. Features illustrations by Michael Ian Bateson.

Other purchasing options . . .

Amazonaudio | eBook | trade paperback | hardcover. Also available in the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, Poland, and a part of Kindle Unlimited where available.

Barnes & Nobletrade paperback | hardcover

Books-A-Million (BAM!)trade paperback | hardcover

Ingramtrade paperback | hardcover

See the book trailer!

Also available as an audiobook, read by Lawrence Alexander:


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Palindrome Hannah, the debut composite novel by Michael Bailey, is now available as an audio book. You can find it on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Narrated by the wonderful Lawrence Alexander. Give it a listen!

Enter a cruel palindrome world: a symmetric place where disturbing situations displace the common; where good acts transmute to evil ones; where windows and mirrors are interchangeable. Within, characters influence each other through macabre arrangements of involuntary happenstance, and learn the inevitability of coincidence. A segmented story of a mother and daughter intertwines the others. This hidden sixth story, assembled from the five separate narratives, uncovers the sad life of a child who carries a palindrome name, and her struggling teenage mother. With five stories heading one direction, and Hannah traveling the opposite, the story unfolds like a palindrome. A puzzle within a puzzle.

See the book trailer!

Also available in trade paperback for $14.95, or eBook for $6.95. Fiction; 334 pages; 8×5 format; illustrations by Michael Ian Bateson.